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security awareness and vigilance
We protect personnel, facilities, systems, information, business operations, and our reputation. We proactively identify security risks, develop personnel and sustainable programs to mitigate those risks, and continually evaluate the effectiveness of those efforts.
The resources available at this site directly support the OE Corporate Process for the Security of Personnel & Assets requirement that business units actively educate and inform Chevron employees and contractors about security risks and mitigation measures and empower them to participate in the protection of personnel and assets.
For additional information, please visit the Security Awareness and Vigilance (SAV) SharePoint.
threats to you and the company
Threats to personal and company security can occur at any time, any place, and in an unlimited number of ways. However, if we remain vigilant, indicators of potential security issues can be identified and addressed. For example, you may notice a person loitering or taking photographs in an area that seems unusual, spot a suspicious vehicle, package, or bag, or receive an unusually inquisitive phone call or email.
While these types of incidents may seem innocent at first glance, they could be indicators of possible security threats to either you and/or the company. Your actions in response to such situations can help enhance safety and security to all of us.
proactive security approach
When you look both ways before crossing a street or closely monitor the surrounding traffic when driving a car, you’re practicing vigilance. We realize that if we don’t pay attention, we are putting ourselves and others at risk. The more aware we are of our surroundings as we go about our daily routines, the more likely we are to be safe and secure. This kind of vigilance is especially important while we travel.
Chevron employees must feel safe and secure to be successful. Every employee can help make that happen. The company’s secure operations are dependent upon employee engagement, participation, commitment, and accountability.
A proactive approach to security, with an emphasis on risk management, is the most effective way to protect the people and assets of our company. That means each of us needs to stay alert to our surroundings and report suspicious persons, events, and circumstances to a supervisor, company security personnel, or local law enforcement.
what can you do?
Become actively involved in your personal and workplace security. Familiarize yourself with what is normal for your work site, your neighborhood, and your travel routes. The more familiar we are with our surroundings, the more we will recognize possible changes in the security environment.
Although it would be impossible to identify every scenario that might be questionable or suspicious, the following points are a quick reference of what to look for and what actions to take to increase your personal safety and security.
heighten your awareness and vigilance
- Take responsibility for your personal security
- Be proactive in addressing security issues
- Be aware of what is the "normal" setting for your environment
- Think ahead and have a security contingency plan
- Know your plan, what to do, and who to call in the event of an emergency
business travel
- Consult the Global Security website or regional advisor prior to departure
- Leave your travel itinerary and contact details with your supervisor
- Remain contactable – ensure emergency contact details are updated in CIMS
- Avoid company logos or identification on your luggage or clothing
- Do not use business cards as luggage tags
- Be aware of travel advisories (Global Security Advisories or governmental advisories)
- Familiarize yourself with your destination and location security advice before travel
facility security
All occupants are responsible for maintaining workplace security. You should help with this effort by
- Make sure that all relevant parties are aware of your travel plans. If you are traveling to a Chevron facility, use the correct visitor authorization process. Ensure you have an escort greet you and provide basic emergency information for the office or facility.
- Be observant. Pay attention to your surroundings and trust your instincts. If a situation seems wrong, report suspicious people or events to Security or the proper authorities.
- Secure sensitive materials, personal belongings, office doors, and computer access.
- Keep your SmartBadge with you and visible at all times. Take it with you each time you leave your workstation.
- Do not allow others to use your SmartBadge or "tailgate" you through secured access areas without badging in/out.
external threats
- Unsolicited phone calls asking unusual questions about your work site or colleagues
- Strangers taking pictures or video of your plant or office
- Emails marked [**External**] which request information or direct you to "click the link"
- Strangers striking up a conversation about your job
what if i am not sure
Few things in life are 100 percent certain. But when it comes to security, the adage, "better to be safe than sorry," should be our guiding principle. Listen to your instincts and trust your senses. Avoid complacency. If you see a suspicious activity, person, or object, report your concerns immediately to a supervisor, company security personnel, or local law enforcement.
more information
For more information about security awareness while you travel, developing a security contingency plan, or related issues, contact the Global Security office in your area.