not restricted
travel approval
travel security risk
healthcare infrastructure and disease risk
travel requirements
Business travel to India is permitted, subject to the below guidance. Travelers should direct any inquiries to Global Security.
- Travelers do not need prior approval for visits that will be limited to major cities such as Delhi, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata.
- Travel to the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the India-Pakistan border area is prohibited due to risks from terrorism, armed conflict, and violent unrest.
- Travelers must seek approval before visiting the following areas because of potential high risks of violence: the Northeastern states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur; and the Central and Eastern states of West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha. Consult Global Security for assistance in assessing and managing risks associated with travel to these locations as far in advance as possible.
- Adhering to the recommendations of Global Security, company personnel can make their own travel bookings through CTREX or authorized travel agencies.
Travel to the contested India-controlled area of Kashmir is prohibited given ongoing periodic military skirmishes in the area.
The healthcare infrastructure and disease risk level specific for Bangalore is B. Please consult with Health & Medical prior to travel.
Click on the link below for all location specific contacts to support travel coordination, approvals, security and medical questions. Please save this information before you travel.
security risks
Travelers to India should be aware of the potential for localized instability due to demonstrations, strikes, and religious disputes, which can turn violent and cause mobility disruptions. Sexual assault and harassment against women, including foreign visitors, is a rising concern, and females should avoid traveling alone. Petty crime and scams targeting foreigners are common. There is a background risk of anti-Western terrorism in major cities, as demonstrated by the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, and various domestic and foreign extremist groups remain active in India. Travelers should be aware that road safety is generally poor.
healthcare infrastructure and disease risks
The Chevron healthcare infrastructure and disease risk level for India is B. Click here for International SOS health guidance.
Visitors in India should exercise high levels of caution and situational awareness and take the following precautions:
- Avoid crowds and demonstrations
- Avoid displaying valuables, including cash, electronics, and jewelry
- Never leave possessions unattended (even momentarily) in public places including restaurants
- Keep cell phones, tablets, cameras and other valuable electronic devices out of sight
- Limit movements, especially after dark
- Use reliable private car services for transportation
- Avoid political demonstrations and other gatherings
- Monitor media and local information sources
- Minimize your profile by not displaying Chevron-related logos on your belongings
- Be prepared for additional security measures and potential travel disruptions
- All staff should ensure that their contact details are up to date before travel to India
Employees should be aware that information security risks can be greater during travel, as third parties present in foreign countries may monitor communications and transmissions.
Employees are advised to avoid communications on sensitive matters and to travel with as little sensitive information as possible.