This country has multiple Health and/or Security risk levels. Please review all the content on the TravelAware page and seek additional guidance from the listed contacts as needed.
travel requirements
Business travel to Ethiopia (other than transit through Bole International Airport) requires Global Security approval. All travelers who are not transiting must take the following actions:
- Get approval from designated Global Security contact
- Forward a copy of the approval to CWT or the designated travel agent prior to tickets being issued
- Once travel has been booked and confirmed, inform Global Security of their travel plans in writing
Click on the link below for all location specific contacts to support travel coordination, approvals, security and medical questions. Please save this information before you travel.
travel security risks
The capital Addis Ababa is generally stable, but travelers face potential risks from crime, social unrest, regional instability and terrorism. While violent crime is limited, petty crime, including pick-pocketing and bag-snatching, is relatively common in Addis Ababa and other areas. The U.S. State Department reports incidents against foreigners on Bole Road and the Piazza. They also caution about traveling to Entoto Park, Yeka Park (behind the British Embassy), and Guellele Botanical Gardens, the Mercato market and major malls and shopping areas catering to wealthier Ethiopians and expatriates.
Low-level conflict between the Ethiopian military and armed militia continues in the Oromia and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. These regions experienced the highest levels of political violence in recent years.
Banditry and highway robbery are risks in border areas, which are also subject to other forms of instability. Al-Shabab - a Somalia-based, Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic extremist group - is active in areas on the Ethiopia-Somali border and has threatened to carry out attacks elsewhere in Ethiopia. The Ogaden National Liberation Front is also active in eastern Ethiopia and engages in occasional skirmishes with Ethiopian security forces.
healthcare infrastructure and disease risks
The Chevron healthcare infrastructure and disease risk level for Ethiopia is B. Click here for International SOS health guidance.
Visitors to Ethiopia should exercise caution and take the following precautions:
- Avoid political gatherings
- Maintain high levels of situational awareness
- Monitor news for late breaking developments
- Avoid travel after dark
- Abstain from displays of cash/valuables
- Minimize your profile by not displaying Chevron-related logos on your belongings
- Be prepared for additional security measures and potential travel disruptions
- All staff should ensure that their contact details are up to date before travel to Ethiopia
Employees should be aware that information security risks can be greater during travel, as third parties present in foreign countries may monitor communications and transmissions.
Employees are advised to avoid communications on sensitive matters and to travel with as little sensitive information as possible.